Live at 11 AM Painting the Black Magic Sequence, getting walls right - 21APR2020

Getting everything correct on this painting of Panama Dorado performing black magic in her closet bedroom. I sudue some hues, alter some comics symbolism and improve coherence.

Also, I fill the time with wonder full blather and opinions that may prognosticate a future full of wonders and improved human movement.

It’s again, the most entertaining slow activity in towne. The only thing that could improve it is replacing me with a girl. This may happen in the future. Let’s see how ratings go.

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The Skrauss laments Milwaukee’s loss of the DNC

The Skrauss laments Milwaukee’s loss of the DNC

Narrowcasting to you revealing the occult esoteric hidden concealed secrets known only to artists in the Cartoon Plasticism guild, the CIA, and god/the devil...

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Let’s cluster around this sensation (whatever I am, and am doing); let’s extend the definitions and permissions of creativity and entertainment.