Why Skrauss Does it, why you should care

The written speculation of The Skrauss as he tries to figure out why he does what he does.

The Skrauss Global Presents No. 23, acrylic on canvas, 2014

The Skrauss Global Presents No. 23, acrylic on canvas, 2014

Past attempts to articulate The Skrauss’ passion and aim

Toshiba ElToro, half of the private detective coporation, Criminal Investigations, Not Divorce Investigations LLC, and son of that famous horse captured by Picasso in Guernica

Toshiba ElToro, half of the private detective coporation, Criminal Investigations, Not Divorce Investigations LLC, and son of that famous horse captured by Picasso in Guernica

Viva Cartoon Plasticism! 2006

Here it is people! Here it is. Here's Cartoon Plasticism in all its radiance! Can ya handle it? Can ya stand up under its devouring gaze? Perhaps you like your art easily cataloged and dismissed, bagged, tagged, and field dressed. If so I have a tool for you, the name, Cartoon Plasticism. It is my gift to you. I am an enabler. Judith Iscariot tells me that I am an enabler. I want to enable you to dismiss my art shortly after the novelty wears off. However, my art will never dismiss you. It will enter and latch onto your soul and imagination. It will be like a second heart sewn onto your aorta increasing circulatory efficiency 12%! Look out! Lookout, it's symbiotic! It's Cartoon Plasticism!

A bunch of other early screeds, letters, and a fan club mission briefing

A bunch of other early screeds, letters, and a fan club mission briefing

Self portrait in the studio. acrylic on paper. still developing a color sense. This image is now in the home of a Milwaukee eastsider

Self portrait in the studio. acrylic on paper. still developing a color sense. This image is now in the home of a Milwaukee eastsider

Art is defunct 2002

It withered and dropped dead of malnutrition and gravity. Has anyone noticed that PopRoy in all his comics-sampling glory had as much fun as an adult chuckling at a child's antics? Quite different from Jack Kirby whose plenteous fount of crazed invention poured out of his mind like the child who pretends, and believing his own pretensions, scares himself to screams. Could PopRoy delight in such fun? Answer: never, he is too far removed by his adult sophistication. He was art's last hope to stop taking itself so suffocatingly serious. He let us down.

If Skrauss paints The Peg Leg Monkey all the time he may as well paint a flying monkey that carries a giant knife with its tail

If Skrauss paints The Peg Leg Monkey all the time he may as well paint a flying monkey that carries a giant knife with its tail

statement for Flying Saucer Café show Winter 2003

The Artist Says, "Ha."

Skrause's pants evidence his uncivilized savagery, but his art proves his transcendence. While lesser artists stroke their pet isms, which they purchased from the gumball machine in your local grocer's lobby, Skrause is reuniting the classical myth cycle with the high arts. He is uniting text and painting.